Most Profitable Franchise 2023 | Guide To Choosing The Best

What are the most profitable franchises in 2023? This is the question that we at Money Beng will answer today, we will also see how to open a successful franchise in just a few steps.

We have already talked in previous articles about franchises and what they are, so we repeat it for new readers who still do not know exactly how this world works.

Franchising, how it works

Franchising is an affiliation network between entrepreneurs that allows a startup to affiliate with a larger company using its brand, its know-how, and has many advantages starting from the start-up cost, significantly lower than opening an independent business.

Through this new business method you have the opportunity to take advantage of an already existing and advertised brand by saving considerably on advertising costs, and this allows you to acquire an already existing customer portfolio.

Affiliation also allows you to transfer skills from the parent company to the new affiliate who will thus be able to have all the knowledge to enter the market without making mistakes and one step ahead of the others.

What are the most profitable franchises 2023

So now we come to the heart of the matter, which is perhaps the thing that interests us most in choosing the business to open.

The most profitable franchises are certainly those that have a lower royalty fee than the others and therefore allow the entrepreneur to get a better profit margin.

The royalty fee for the uninitiated is a percentage that the parent company requires from the affiliate, this can be monthly or annual and based on collection.

So if on the one hand opening a franchise has the considerable advantage of allowing us to enter the market with a lot of power, on the other there is the disadvantage of being very dependent on the parent company which often requires very high royalty fees.

Among the most profitable franchises there is no doubt that those linked to the world of finance, insurance and the real estate sector can certainly bring a better profit margin than all the others, this is because these are the sectors in which the our economy.

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Most profitable sectors of the franchise

Therefore, in order to choose the activity that can make us earn the most, we have seen that the first thing to evaluate is the royalty fee that this asks for at the end of the year, now we must instead see which is the best market sector.

The most profitable sector clearly depends a lot on which area you live in, for example in Sicily or in southern Italy in general a gold buying franchise could really make a good profit while in northern Italy a real estate franchise could be more successful, where the economy it is more developed and the real estate market is much more effervescent.

At this point it is clear that before choosing which franchise to start, a careful market analysis must be carried out to find the most profitable activity in a given historical moment, in a territory.

There are many variables involved, and it would be impossible to draw up a list of what these activities are, however we have compiled a list of ideas from which to take inspiration for your successful franchise business.

Most profitable franchise ideas 2023

  • Open a supermarket
  • Open a pharmacy
  • Open a restaurant
  • Open a bar
  • Open a beauty center
  • Open a Pub
  • Open an ice cream shop
  • Open a real estate agency
  • Open a consulting agency
  • Open a travel agency
  • Open a shoe store
  • Open a bag shop
  • Open a clothing store
  • Open a gold shop

As you can see, the possibilities are many and very varied, in addition to the profit margin, we advise you to also look at what you know how to do, and your personal attitudes or you risk getting bored by proposing something in which you have no interest.

In fact, it is easy to lose enthusiasm especially at the beginning when it is more difficult to enter the market and acquire customers. Carrying out a business and selling a product that you know and like is certainly more exciting and it will thus be easier to continue to grow your business over the years.

Why franchise?

The advantages of opening a franchise are quite evident, and range from savings in advertising for a brand already known and well positioned on the market to the acquisition of the parent company’s expertise.

By opening a business on your own you should face the effort of entering a well-structured market full of competition where extricating yourself inside to emerge nowadays becomes really difficult if you don’t have enough resources above all.

The franchising formula instead allows you to enter this market head-on with an already well-known brand that many people already know and are willing to trust, all this at a much lower start-up cost.

Suffice it to say that to open a restaurant it would take around 100,000 euros, with the franchise formula it is possible to open it for 50,000.

In short, the advantages are many, you just need to have the desire to get involved to say goodbye to the annoying job from which you don’t get any personal or economic satisfaction.

Conclusions and opinions

Our advice before choosing the business to open is to communicate with the companies that offer the possibility of franchising and understand how much the royalty fee is and especially if there is an entrance fee to the affiliate network.

Subsequently, as mentioned, it is necessary to carry out a careful market analysis and understand which of the chosen activities can achieve a greater profit without however underestimating one’s liking for the activity which could bring an extra boost in terms of management and start-up.

As always, there is a lot of competition but only the best do it in any sector!


If you have any questions or want to express your opinion, comment below and we will be happy to answer you as soon as possible.

Thanks for being with us, this article on the most profitable franchises in 2023 ends here, if you found it interesting, share it with your friends via the social buttons found below, see you soon and good continuation on our site.

Money Beng, The Editors


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