How To Open A Supermarket

Welcome back to Money Beng, if you are here today it is likely that you still do not know how to open an Esselunga, Carrefour, Despar, Conad, or Lidl supermarket, but luckily you are in the right place and in fact you are about to find out thanks to our short guide on how open a franchised or independent supermarket.

What is a franchised supermarket?

To take stock of the situation, let’s start by answering this question!

A franchised supermarket is a collaboration formula between entrepreneurs to open a new business through affiliation with an existing business, ideal for those who don’t want to start from scratch and want to take advantage of the related advantages which we will tell you about shortly.

Pros and cons of opening a supermarket franchise

It is clear that opening a supermarket involves considerable costs and expenses, generally the greatest advantage obtained by opening a franchised supermarket is precisely that relating to the lowest start-up cost.

In fact, by opening a franchised supermarket you will reduce the costs relating to the creation and advertising of a new brand as you will use that of the parent company.

Furthermore, opening a franchise supermarket also has the great advantage of acquiring existing customers and suppliers, not to mention that the ten-year experience of the parent company will be transferred to you and you will even get training paid by the company to be able to already be operational.

The limits of a franchise are instead quite evident, clearly you will have less room for maneuver as regards management, for example if you want to introduce new products in your supermarket these must first be examined by the parent company and so on.

Another limit concerns the design of your supermarket which will be in all respects the same as all the other supermarkets affiliated to the parent company.

Another disadvantage is represented by the fact that a franchise can ask for a monthly or annual royalty fee, or an entrance fee when stipulating the affiliation contract.

In any case, it is clear that the advantages far outweigh the cons, as by taking advantage of a historic brand that is very often advertised on TV, you can reach a much higher mass of customers, and you will not have to face the effort of learning everything from scratch. to forge relationships with suppliers that you may not even be experts in, and above all you won’t have to make an effort to make yourself known.

How to open a Conad, Esselunga, Carrefour, Despar, Lidl supermarket

If you have read this far, it is clear that the idea of ​​franchising has not frightened you but rather it is inspiring you even more to achieve your goal of opening a franchised supermarket.

At this point you may be wondering how to get in touch with the parent company to be able to talk about your project and the investment you intend to make.

To get in touch with the area manager who takes care of affiliations you will have to go to the supermarket’s web page, scroll down to the contact section, and at this point you should see something like “affiliates”, “become our partner” and so on.

You will have to fill out a form if required or write to the email indicated.

In the email you will have to specify who you are, your budget, if you already have a place, if you intend to rent one and the square meters of the place.

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Bureaucratic formalities to open a supermarket

As far as bureaucratic formalities are concerned, first of all the legal form of the company you intend to open must be evaluated.

We personally recommend an SRL. This is because the SRL is a joint-stock company with perfect financial autonomy, and if the business goes wrong, your debtors will only be able to recover from the company’s capital and not yours too.

Other interesting legal forms could be the SNC or the SAS, however we must be very careful in this case, because even if these two companies are less expensive from a bureaucratic and tax point of view, on the other hand we must consider that they have imperfect patrimonial autonomy and in the case of debts, your capital could also be attacked.

For a better choice of the legal form it is always good to consult with your trusted accountant.

The steps following the choice of the company are:

  • Opening VAT number
  • Register in the Business Register at the Chamber of Commerce
  • Send the declaration of start of activity to the Municipality, at least 30 days before the opening
  • Open a position at INPS and INAIL
  • Request permission to display the sign
  • Pay the SIAE rights if the venue or shop broadcasts music or videos

How to open an online supermarket

Nowadays the possibilities to open a supermarket are different and varied, among these the internet also gives us the possibility to open an online supermarket!

What is it about exactly? An online supermarket is an e-commerce in all respects, where users connect to the site, put the products on the cart, buy them by credit card, Paypal or other methods indicated by you, and then they are sent directly to their home by courier.

Technology helps us in this regard and allows us to save on the costs involved in having a physical activity!

To open an online supermarket you will still need a warehouse for the storage of goods, which could also be your home if you have a couple of free rooms and your business is not very large, also saving on the cost of renting a room .

But what does it take to start a successful online supermarket? Simply a clever marketing strategy and good publicity.

For this reason, our advice is to contact a web agency that can manage the marketing side of your e-commerce at 360°.

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Thanks for being with us, this article on how to open a supermarket ends here, if you found it interesting, share it with your friends via the social buttons found below, and comment below for further questions or to know your opinion. about, see you soon and good continuation on our site.

Money Beng, The Editors


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