How To Make Money Writing Online, Tips To Make Money

Welcome back dear loyal readers of Money Beng, in today’s article we’re going to see how to make money writing online.

We will try to understand the trends and techniques, as well as tips for making money in this particularly lucrative sector.

Make money writing online

As we well know, writing articles, stories and reviews is a deeply rooted and widespread job.

In recent years, with the advent of the Internet and the spread of social media, earning money online has become easier and faster.

In particular, let’s go now to see which are the most sought after and interesting options to be able to earn money by writing online.

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Writing articles online

The first method is certainly the most common and rooted: writing articles online is the first step in making money online by writing.

In fact, on the net, there are various platforms where it is possible to register, which will give you the possibility of becoming part of virtual editorial offices, where you will be assigned topics on which to write articles and posts, obviously in exchange for a payment.

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Writing articles for websites

Furthermore, another alternative is to evaluate and search for job offers on sites that offer collaborations, such as Freelancer, Subito and similar.

If, on the other hand, you already have good experience as an article writer, copywriter or writer both online and in print, you can also offer yourself to editors of online magazines and newspapers.

As you can imagine, to become part of this world, you must:

  • Know the grammar perfectly
  • Be able to write on a variety of topics
  • Knowing how to use online research tools to better document yourself

Copywriting Portfolio

Above all, it is essential to have a portfolio of the work carried out and the articles you have written, which you can show in the niche of the sector you are aiming for.

Keep in mind that in most cases, especially at the beginning, you will be asked to write as a ghost writer and not to directly sign your articles.

Write reviews and recipes

Two other interesting options can be to write reviews and culinary recipes.

If you have a strong passion, for example, cinema, music or video games, you can make reviews in these areas.

Obviously it is essential to know very well the sector in which you intend to enter.

As well as for cooking recipes, a booming sector, especially on social media. So, even here it is essential to have some basics in the culinary and communicative fields.

Considering that you can make good money online, especially if you manage to create a large group of followers.

Start a blog

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You can also decide to open a blog and try to earn money from sponsorships through Google Adsense.

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We specify that it is not easy to immediately have considerable revenues, especially at the beginning.

In this way, to obtain a good result, as well as being able to write articles online, you need to have skills in writing from an SEO point of view and content optimization, so as to have more traffic and therefore more revenues.

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In addition to this, you need to know how to use platforms like WordPress, perfect for indexing and writing SEO friendly content.

To start making money writing so you need to have a blog with some readers. If you want to get into result you need to have a fast and easy hosting, the one I use is Siteground, it’s the cheapest in the market considering they have a 24h support, the most rewarded in the world!

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Lastly, focus on a well-defined sector, such as fashion, cooking or technology, which are in great demand for those wondering: how to make money writing online, so you can carve out your own specific niche.

Money Beng, The Editorial Team



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