How To Become a Stylist, What to Study, What Are The Tasks

Welcome back dear faithful readers of CF moda, as always we are very pleased to have you here with us again. In today’s article we are going to deal with a really interesting topic, in fact we will talk about how to become a stylist. We’re going to understand how long it takes, what a fashion designer does and what you study to become a stylist.

What does a fashion designer do?

Let’s first of all understand what a fashion designer is, also known as a fashion designer.

This professional figure in the fashion world is responsible for creating, designing and packaging clothing, whether for men, women or even for children.

Duties of a stylist

A fashion designer takes care of designing and supervising the collections which can include clothes, accessories and shoes, following his own personal style and trying to leave his own mark on the creations, also following and being inspired by the other trends of the period.

To create a fashion collection, the designer usually starts from his own idea or inspiration, using techniques and strategies to try to create a line that has a positive impact on the public and on the market.

To do this, some fashion designers study and monitor the trends of the season and consult the forecasts on future market trends, contained in the various periodic reports that the large companies in the clothing industry publish.

Types of stylists

Instead we find stylists who are based on their own personal experiences, others who find inspiration, for example, from:

  • Particular shapes
  • Certain shades of color
  • Fabrics linked to cultures, artistic expressions or geographical areas

Once the starting point has been chosen, the inspiring idea that will drive the entire collection, the stylist develops a concept of the same and prepares:

  • Starting sketches
  • Of the drawings and
  • Models of the garments he has in mind to make

What does the stylist do?

Usually, especially in the past, fashion design was done entirely by hand; now, with the technologies available, the use of CAD software for this production sector is increasingly widespread.

The stylist also takes care of drawing lines and shapes, decides on the various colors and fabrics of the garments, as well as the variations of each single piece that will be part of the collection.

He looks for and selects fabrics and other materials with which to concretely package his sartorial creations.

Fashion market

Beyond all that, what does a fashion designer do?

Well, the Fashion Designer must also take into account the market needs, for example:

  • The materials used and how they are produced and treated
  • In order to be able to allow a reasonable final price on the clothing items that will be proposed, to ensure that they are in line with the spending possibilities of the customers of the own brand.

The path for how to become a stylist

Now let’s see on a practical level, what a fashion designer does.

We start from a first prototype, this one for clothes and accessories, sewing in person or delegating the work to expert seamstresses and prototype makers, to then evaluate the final effect, and if needed, make the necessary corrections.

The approved prototypes or samples are those that are presented in fashion shows, fairs and all the fashion events in the sector.

So that the samples are shown to Fashion Buyers, creative directors, the trade press and obviously, to international customers.

Who works with the stylist?

Particularly in this area, fashion shows during international Fashion Weeks are the most important showcase for new collections.

In this case, the stylist works closely with all his entourage, namely:

  • Models
  • Make-up artists
  • Choreographers
  • Sound designer

To allow the fashion show to be a real show, and to enhance the creations that parade on the catwalk.

How to become a stylist, fashion runway, fashion designer, stylists, fashion world, stylist
Fashion catwalk
Once the line of the collection has been decided, the stylist personally takes care of:

  • Select fabric suppliers and manufacturers
  • Negotiate and supervise the production process
  • And he makes sure that the latter reach quality standards in line with the brand and that they can have a good response from the market.

How to start a career as a stylist?

The figure of the stylist has always exerted a strong fascination for all those who have the desire to work in the fashion industry.

The road to becoming a stylist is not as simple as one might think.

Talent or passion are not enough, although these two elements are indispensable, they must be included in a path that requires a lot of commitment and determination.

What are the skills needed?

Now let’s see how to make your way into the fashion world and what you study to become a stylist.

Let’s start by saying that this professional figure in fashion must possess skills, such as:

  • Have good drawing skills
  • Must know how to combine creativity and knowledge of the trends that are most popular on the market
  • In addition to taking into account economic parameters
  • All technical skills necessary for the success of the final project.

Furthermore, the stylist must create collections of complete garments and outfits, pursuing a coherent stylistic theme and drawing sketches, collaborating with the model makers, so as to obtain satisfactory results.

Skills of a stylist

Basically, the figure of the stylist requires:

  • Creativity
  • Aesthetic sense and analysis
  • In addition to a predisposition to collaborate with the workers

So dear friends of CF moda having talent is essential, but you also need good preparation.

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What to study to become a stylist?

To become a stylist you need to have specific training, attending fashion schools or alternatively, opting for a fashion design high school or university.

It is essential to develop a good knowledge of all the fashion sectors as well as having a smattering of production and commercial developments, moreover, it is necessary to have knowledge of marketing.

Another important thing is to acquire practical and technical skills in the field of drawing, practice as a dress designer and be able to create patterns.

How to become a stylist: fashion schools

There are many advanced fashion institutes and schools that allow students to be followed by professionals in the sector, through:

  • Dedicated courses
  • Educational projects
  • Internships and apprenticeships

Which will allow you to practice in this environment, acquiring firsthand the fundamental foundations for having important contacts for the future.

Fashion school, what to study to become a stylist, how to become a stylist, fashion schools
Attend a fashion school
As you have seen dear friends, to start a career as a stylist you need:

  • Talent
  • Passion and stubbornness
  • Plus a lot of practice and study

We would like to advise you to attend a fashion school in order to acquire the necessary skills to undertake this coveted profession.

Well dear friends of CF MODA, now you know everything you need to become a stylist and make your way in the fashion world.

CF MODA, The Editorial Team



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