Degiro | Review, Opinions, Costs and Commissions

Welcome to Invest In The Stock, today we have compiled a review for you on Degiro, one of the most popular online brokers of the moment thanks to a series of advantages that the platform immediately makes available to traders and investors and which we will tell you about shortly , but first let’s take stock of what Degiro is.

Degiro review, what it is and how it works

Degiro is a well-established broker on the international scene, in fact its foundation took place in 2008 in Amsterdam by Muhamad Said Chahrour.

Since then Degiro has increasingly expanded the range of assets made available to traders, until today, where it is possible to invest in ETFs, bonds, shares of all kinds, futures and much more.

Starting to invest in Degiro is very simple, in fact, it is enough to register through the official page of the brand and authenticate by sending the data requested by the broker relating to your identity.

I defer fees and costs

One of the reasons why more and more traders and investors choose the Degiro broker concerns precisely this aspect, in fact the Degiro commissions are among the lowest on the market, as can be seen below.

As far as ETFs are concerned, degiro offers a core selection, i.e. a range of assets on which the commissions are equal to 0 euros per transaction, while for all the other ETFs the commission is only 1 euro.

  • Withdrawal cost: 0 euro
  • Deposit cost: 0 euros
  • Cost for inactivity: 0 euro
  • Custody fee: 0 euros
  • Currency conversion: 0.25%
  • CFD trading: €0.75 per trade
  • Shares: 0 euro with the exception of the American ones whose cost per operation is 1 euro
  • Real-time quotes: 0 euro

To view a complete list of Degiro costs and commissions, we advise you to go directly to the official page of the Broker.

Our opinions

Degiro is a simple and reliable intuitive broker, authorized by CySEC and also recognized by Consob in Italy, all aspects that contribute to increasing investor confidence in choosing this broker.

The Degiro platform makes available a very wide range of assets which makes it possible to differentiate one’s investment portfolio.

Furthermore, there is also the possibility of viewing the market quotes in real time, all at no additional cost and free of charge, in order to be able to choose the moment you prefer to carry out a trading operation.

We strongly believe that Degiro is a very competitive broker in today’s market compared to other brokers that operate at its level, which is why in our opinion it absolutely falls into the list of the best brokers for online trading. That’s why we wrote this Degiro review for you.

Submit income tax return

Even on Degiro as on any other broker, when you have profits, these must be declared to the tax authorities.

Taxation is different for each country where you have your tax residence, so if you make investments from the United States but your tax residence is in Italy, you will have to be accountable to the latter and therefore declare your income according to Italian law.

As far as Italy is concerned, in the tax return, the capital gains or capital gains on which to pay taxes on trading must be declared in part RT line 41, under the item “other income of a financial nature”.

Furthermore it must be said that the main taxes for a trading account are 26% on net capital gains and 0.2% on the balance of IVAFE (equivalent to Italian stamp duty).

Thanks for being with us, this Degiro review ends here, if you found it interesting, share it with your friends via the social buttons you find below, see you soon and good continuation on our site!

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Invest In The Stock, The Editorial Staff


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