Cryptocurrency Taxes, When Are They Paid, How Are They Taxed?

Welcome back dear loyal readers of Invest In The Stock, even today we are very satisfied and honored to have you here with us again. In our article today, we will talk about tax cryptocurrencies. We will try to understand when cryptocurrencies are paid, where and how they should be taxed.

What are cryptocurrencies and how do they work?

First of all, let’s understand what tax and tax cryptocurrencies are.

Basically, cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that are created through decentralized cryptographic algorithms, and are considered to all intents and purposes a digital asset.

On the other hand, and like a physical currency, it is used to purchase goods, products and services of all kinds, using cryptography as a method of exchange.

Consequently, the blockchain system serves to make transactions more secure, control and supervise the new cryptocurrencies that appear on the market.

Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

As previously mentioned, taxation cryptocurrencies are a real payment method and a means of exchange that can be equated to physical currencies in legal use, for example: Dollar, Yen, Pound Sterling and Euro, in addition to other currencies present globally.

In addition, this online payment currency can also be used to exchange digital information, through a system called Blockchain, which is based on cryptography.

Furthermore, this system has the main function of protecting transactions and analyzing the birth of new cryptocurrencies, to guarantee investors that transactions are safe and reliable.

Birth of cryptocurrencies

Satoshi Nakamoto is the progenitor of these Etoro tax cryptocurrencies, which were created in 2009 under the name of Bitcoin.

In today’s market, for those who want to invest in tax cryptocurrencies, there is only an embarrassment of choice, since there are so many, in jargon they are called Altcoins and are considered the alternatives to Bitcoin, i.e. tax and tax cryptocurrencies emerging.

As far as cryptocurrency quotations are concerned, they vary a lot, and are based on the law of supply and demand.

So the more there will be a demand for a certain digital currency, which perhaps in that given period guarantees good earnings with tax cryptocurrencies, the more its price will rise; the exact opposite instead happens with little known and widespread cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrency diffusion

As we well know, taxation cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly popular, a great success, both as a payment method, but above all, as tax cryptocurrency investment assets, which guarantee excellent economic performance and a good return over time.

In our practical guide, we will try to explain how to invest and how to pay taxes on cryptocurrencies, risk-free and without paying commissions, penalties or fines.

Yes dear friends, taxes must also be paid on cryptocurrencies!

In the last period there has been more talk of investing in tax cryptocurrencies, given that this digital asset is increasingly widespread and many savers, both large and small, want to enter this sector to try to make some profit, through the buying and selling of virtual currencies, such as, for example, Bitcoin, Litecoin or Ethereum, among the best known and traded.

Tax cryptocurrencies

As we have already dealt with previously, also the world of cryptocurrencies taxation Italy provides for taxes to be paid, given that in terms of taxation they are compared to foreign currencies.

Even if we must consider that, unlike physical currencies, virtual ones, such as cryptocurrencies, are not attributable to a specific territory.

It is not an easy concept to understand, but in practice, those who decide to invest in cryptocurrencies are as if they were investing in dollars, yen or any other international currency, therefore, also from a tax point of view, the conditions are the same.

Even, the Revenue Agency has stated that cryptocurrencies are foreign currencies and the crypto wallet that contains them is equated to a current account.

👉 Read also: Elon Musk Cryptocurrencies, Do They Really Exist?

Impuestos para pagar criptomonedas

Luego de haber constatado que las criptomonedas son consideradas como divisas, para entender el pago de impuestos a las criptomonedas, es necesario verificar si la compraventa de divisas está gravada o no.

Para realizar esta comprobación se debe considerar la cuenta tanto de criptomonedas virtuales, por lo tanto criptomonedas, como de monedas fiduciarias, por lo tanto monedas físicas.

Se deben tener en cuenta todas las monedas, donde sea que se guarden, ya sean bancos, casas de cambio o billeteras, y además de esto, las monedas fiduciarias también se deben considerar para comprar y vender criptomonedas.

Límites de impuestos de criptomonedas

En cuanto a la tributación de las criptomonedas, la Agencia Tributaria tiene límites importantes, que son útiles para entender si la venta de criptomonedas está gravada o no.

Hay dos categorías distintas:

  • El límite cuantitativo
  • El límite de tiempo

Límite cuantitativo

El límite cuantitativo establece que para tener la obligación de pagar impuestos se debe superar un determinado límite de divisas.

En consecuencia, el importe de que se trate debe ser igual o superior a 51.645,69 €.

Límite de tiempo

El temporal, en cambio, para que se graven las monedas digitales, se debe superar en un año el monto antes señalado por un período de siete días hábiles consecutivos, obviamente excluyendo domingos y feriados.

Si estos límites no se superan al mismo tiempo, aquellos que realizan inversiones en criptomonedas gravadas no están sujetos a impuestos.

En caso contrario, se deberá calcular el impuesto a pagar a Hacienda.

Profundicemos ahora en el tema de los impuestos sobre las Criptomonedas. Veamos cómo se gravan las ganancias en criptomonedas.

Impuestos sobre las ganancias de las criptomonedas

Si la renta vitalicia está por encima del umbral, se aplica una tributación que contempla un impuesto sustitutivo del 26%, el cual debe pagarse completando el formulario F24, con clave fiscal 1100.

Por el contrario, para transacciones por debajo del umbral, no hay obligación de pagar impuestos por ganancias de capital.

Básicamente, si hay una ganancia y no se han superado los dos límites, la ganancia no tributa. Lo mismo ocurre en caso de pérdidas, dado que no se calcula la pérdida patrimonial.

Además, en lo que se refiere a la declaración de impuestos, existen algunos requisitos obligatorios que se deben cumplir para poder pagar impuestos sobre las criptomonedas, en el caso de la vigilancia fiscal, por el mero hecho de tener monedas extranjeras, ya sean digitales o fiduciarias, independientemente del importe total de estos últimos.

Bueno, queridos amigos de Invest In The Stock, gracias a nuestro artículo diario, saben todo sobre las criptomonedas fiscales para que el recaudador de impuestos no los tome desprevenidos.

Invest In The Stock, El Equipo Editorial


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