Short Term Investing | The Best Profitable Investments 2023

Welcome back to Money Beng, today we will see where to invest in the short term and which are the best profitable investments 2023 to make a profit in the short term.

There are many financial assets in which it is possible to invest, especially nowadays thanks to the internet which has made access to the world of investments increasingly easier.

Before moving on to the more profitable investments we must make some considerations, for example when we talk about short-term investments we usually intend a maximum time limit ranging from 1 to 5 years.

This means that if you invest today you will get your hypothetical profit at the end of this time frame.

However, there are investments that allow you to make a profit in an even shorter period of time and which we will see in the second part of this article.

Poste Italiane short-term investments

Investing in Italian postal bonds is still a good investment even in this period, but how do they work and how do you get a profit from these bonds and above all in how long?

There are different types of postal savings bonds, the duration that these can have varies depending on which one you choose to invest in.

There are 3-year, 4-year, 6-year or even 20-year bonds, clearly the more the time increases the more the return that can be obtained by investing in postal savings bonds increases.

3-year postal savings bonds

In this investment guide, we talk to you about 3-year savings bonds that allow you to make a profit thanks to a short-term investment.

This type of voucher issued by Poste Italiane allows you to have a fixed and annual return of 1.5%, therefore the higher the sum of the investment, the higher the profit you will be able to obtain.

By purchasing 3-year postal savings bonds, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Obtain a repayment of the entire capital at any time while still obtaining the interest accrued over the 3 years.
  • Saving on issuing costs or those in case of refund, which means that there will be no additional costs in case of withdrawal.
  • The vouchers are exempt from inheritance tax.
  • The vouchers are subject to a preferential tax of 12.5% ​​on accrued interest.

How to subscribe to postal savings bonds

To start investing with postal savings bonds and obtain a return in the short term, all you have to do is go to a post office in every Italian municipality, or if you hold a Smart booklet or Banco Posta account, you can subscribe to them directly online in the section dedicated in an easy and intuitive way.

Are postal savings bonds a safe investment?

We firmly believe that investing your savings in a state-owned company like Poste Italiane is one of the best short-term investments to make your capital bear fruit, which otherwise would slowly be consumed by inflation and bank management costs.

There are other forms of investment that are much more profitable but certainly less secure than the postal savings bonds that we have recommended for a safer investment in the short term.

In this section you will find more in-depth information on 3-year postal savings bonds that we strongly advise you to reach out to get a more complete picture of the investment.


Small short-term investments 2023

Short-term investing with eToro certainly represents another solution for small short-term investments that allows you to obtain monthly rather than annual earnings, but how is this possible?

This is possible thanks to the trading application made available by eToro which can be accessed via username and password.

In fact, online trading allows you to open positions and close them in a period of time even less than a day, still obtaining really high earnings.

This is possible thanks to financial leverage, in fact if you invest 10,000 euros on eToro through financial leverage it is actually as if you were operating with 100,000 euros.

This allows you to have profits or losses based on 100,000 euros and not on your 10,000 euros invested.

This mechanism therefore allows you to open and close positions on the same day, obtaining profits of a few hundred euros which in a month could be a few thousand euros.

Online trading is very risky, if you can’t afford to invest you shouldn’t do it.

It could certainly be much more profitable than investing in government bonds or corporate bonds, however the risk also becomes higher if you do not have the right skills.

Use eToro’s copy trading for short-term investments

Online trading remains a risky activity even for the most experienced investors, however to reduce risk eToro has recently introduced copy trading which allows newbies to emulate the investments of more experienced traders.

This means that with one click you can perform the same operations as a user much more experienced than you.

But that doesn’t mean it’s risk-free, because even the most experienced can make mistakes.

In any case, copy trading represents an innovation in the field of social trading that allows you to enter the world of online trading and invest in the short term, obtaining gains by learning from the most expert traders.

Finally, we conclude by warning you against brokers who are not registered with CySEC and recognized by Consob, the two authorities responsible for protecting the financial markets.

eToro is today an international broker recognized throughout the world and by all the main market protection authorities, so we believe that it is a broker you can rely on if you want to start investing with online trading.

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Thanks for being with us, this article on the best profitable investments 2023 ends here, if you found it interesting, share it via the social buttons found below, also for questions or to let us know yours, please comment below, see you soon and good continuation on Money Beng.

Money Beng, The Editors



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