Dry Skin In Pregnancy, Causes, How To Moisturize It, Tips

Welcome back dear loyal readers of CF MODA, we are always very happy and pleased to have you here with us again, more and more numerous, this makes us very satisfied with the affection you show us day after day. In today’s article, we are going to deal with a topic that is dear to all future mothers, namely, dry skin during pregnancy.

We’re going to understand the causes, how to hydrate it and what to use to do this. We will try, thanks to our careful and punctual guide, to give you as much advice as possible to prevent this annoying problem.

Dry skin during pregnancy why?

Let’s start by understanding why it happens to have dry skin during pregnancy.

This happens because during the gestation period the female body rearranges itself, settles down, to allow the fetus it carries in its womb to grow healthy and strong.

This is caused by the numerous hormonal disruptions that occur within the body.

Skin changes in pregnancy

Obviously the skin is also subject to changes and therefore, it is very important to keep the skin hydrated, bearing in mind that most of the water that is ingested in those months goes first to the fetus.

This is another cause that contributes to the occurrence of dry skin and scalp in pregnancy, as well as a marked feeling of dehydration, much higher than normal.

This helps to weaken and create dry skin, causing, in some cases, small furrows or holes to allow moisture to evaporate faster from the surface.

In other circumstances however, a sort of hyperpigmentation may occur which involves the appearance of dark spots on some parts of the body and which disappear after giving birth.

Also pay attention to veins and capillaries that undergo a lot of stress, especially if the presence of:

  • Stretch marks lower abdomen and belly
  • Spots on breast skin
  • And occasionally, stretch marks on the hips

Trust a specialist

As we have said so far, the causes that lead to the formation of dry skin during pregnancy can be many and different from each other.

For this reason, it is important to rely on the opinion of a specialist, preferably a dermatologist.

Especially if you suffered from dry skin even before, to analyze the causes of dry skin in a more in-depth and specific way, and to be able to find together the most specific solution to the needs of the mother on duty.

Causes dry skin

Another problem of dry skin during pregnancy and flaking, is not only accentuated by the poor absorption and loss of water, but also by the alteration and lack of protection that the skin naturally possesses.

This natural protection is called the oil component, which can often be the difference between dry, flaky pregnancy skin and healthy, glowing skin.

We are talking about a hydrolipidic film that is found on the surface of the skin, and has the task of protecting the skin from climate change and the external environment.

It is practically a sort of protective veil which is made up partly of a watery percentage and partly of fat.

For this reason, if there are situations where the dryness of the face increases and itching and dry skin occur during pregnancy, the feeling of tightness is perceived.

Fat-free skin

In most situations, the problem is caused by a lack of fat combined with a lack of water.

All this generates an alteration of the skin, which through these factors, causes skin dryness during pregnancy.

If the proportion of body fat is lower in climatic conditions, such as, for example, in the warmer seasons, the water present in the body can easily fail and evaporate.

In fact, in addition to this, in most cases, exactly the same phenomenon occurs that occurs with chapped lips, especially during pregnancy.

This type of phenomenon can also occur in conditions of prolonged exposure to the sun, air and wind.

Another problem that can occur regularly is that of hand cracking, which occurs more in winter.

How to keep your skin hydrated during pregnancy?

Now let’s move on to understanding how to moisturize your skin during pregnancy and how to have beautiful skin during pregnancy.

Dry skin in pregnancy, dry skin cream, how to moisturize skin in pregnancy, skin care
Use creams to moisturize dry skin
Obviously the first things to do to prevent dry skin during pregnancy is to hydrate and nourish the skin, a fundamental step to prevent this problem from occurring.

Face and body creams

In addition to this, it is essential not only to drink plenty of water, which is also good to do normally, but also to use good quality face and body creams, which can:

  • Give relief
  • Help dry skin in pregnancy what to use
  • Prevent stretch marks or anything

We also recommend using bath salts, which help to stretch and relax the skin, as well as a nice bath in lactic acid.

Yogurt masks

Other interesting options are yogurt masks, full of proteins.

Be careful not to use alcoholic detergents, soaps, creams with a PH not suitable for dry and chapped skin.

Also avoid putting on too much perfume.

Sports activities and tepid showers

Take warm and short showers and dress in light clothes (made with natural materials), for example cotton, linen and silk.

We also recommend practicing non-invasive and strenuous sports activities:

  • Perfect are pilates and yoga
  • The tai chi is also excellent

Exercising during pregnancy

All disciplines that help purify and keep the skin during pregnancy, toned and elastic.

Nourish and protect the skin
In summer, with the sun beating down much stronger especially in the afternoon hours, the use of a sunscreen with an SPF factor of 30 or more is recommended.

To nourish dry body skin during pregnancy it is good to use suitable skin care products, therefore moisturizing creams rich in oils.

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Ideal are those with hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, omega fatty acids, glycerin and shea butter, because they help hydrate the skin.

We at CF moda recommend using these moisturizing skin creams, both in the morning and in the evening, to always have a good level of hydration.

Take care of the diet

In addition to creams, it is also necessary to have a varied diet, rich in fiber and balanced, prefer foods rich in water, omega 3 and 6 and vitamin D.

So make way for seasonal fruit, vegetables, fish, yoghurt and lots of dried fruit.

Well dear readers of CF MODA, now you know how to prevent dry skin during pregnancy, follow these very useful tips to preserve the beauty of your body.

CF MODA, The Editorial Team


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